Espace Fumeurs

FAQs Electronic Cigarettes



What is an electronic cigarette?

An electronic cigarette or e-cigarette is an electronic device which allows you to heat a flavored e liquid generating vapor which can be inhaled via a specific drip tip. This process, unlike the combustion of an electronic cigarette, makes it possible to avoid the consumption of toxic and carcinogenic compositions present in the smoke of a conventional cigarette.

What is an electronic cigarette made of?

An electronic cigarette is made up of 2 main elements:

  • A battery
  • A clearomizer (itself composed of a reservoir and a resistance)

You must add an e liquid associated with the electronic cigarette, so you start vaping.


What is an electronic cigarette battery?

The main function of the battery of an electronic cigarette is to send a current to the clearomizer coil to start vaporization. It must store energy, hence its name. There are many different batteries available today, some are very simple and others are complex.


What is the clearomizer for the electronic cigarette?

The clearomizer is the part of an electronic cigarette which contains the e liquid and its resistance. It is the interaction between these two elements associated with the current sent by the battery which triggers vaporization. The clearomizer differentiates the type of vaping offered: direct or indirect.


What is the coil of an electronic cigarette?

The resistance is consumable for heat to produce vaporization. It is the central element of the clearomizer and is generally made up of a resistive wire surrounded by cotton. The resistive wire also heats the cotton soaked in e liquid to obtain a constant release of vapor.

The resistance value is in Ohm which gives an indication of the type of vape it produces. In fact, the lower the value, the more it will heat up and produce steam. At the beginning it is better to favor the high value (greater than 1ohm). Because the sensations provided are quite close to a classic cigarette.


What is e liquid for electronic cigarettes?

E liquid for electronic cigarettes is a mixture composed of propylene glycol, vegetable glycerin, flavors and nicotine. It is made to fill the clearomizer and transform into vapor while it is heated by the resistance.


What is the best frequency to use an electronic cigarette?

You should know that an electronic cigarette is less effective in delivering nicotine into the body than a traditional cigarette. It is therefore normal to vape more than to smoke. On this point you have to trust your brain. He knows the exact dose of nicotine needed and will not hesitate to trigger the appropriate behavioral mechanisms to obtain satisfaction.

This phenomenon called by tobacco experts is “autotitration” and there is no point in opposing it. On the contrary, you risk ending up in withdrawal and failing to quit smoking.

It is also normal that your consumption changes depending on the different times of the day. Generally, we vape in the morning and evening. Stress levels can also be a factor, such as lack of sleep. Once again because of the low effectiveness of the electronic cigarette compared to the classic cigarette, do not hesitate to vape frequently to successfully deliver the dose to your brain.

It is best to involve a certain way of vaping. The aspirations should be gentle and long (around 3 or 4 seconds per puff), even longer than a classic cigarette. You must also space out your draws so as not to overheat the resistance of your electronic cigarette.

How to fill an electronic cigarette?

Filling an electronic cigarette clearomizer can be done in different ways:

  • From the top, by unscrewing the drip tip and the top cap of your clearomizer
  • From the top, by sliding the top cap
  • From the base, by turning the tank over and unscrewing the base

You must tilt the tank throughout the filling and pour the e liquid on the side, so as not to create a chimney of liquid which is located in the center of the tank. Don’t forget to close the airflow ring before filling. Wait a few minutes before vaping so that the mesh is completely soaked with e liquid.


When to change the electronic cigarette battery?

The battery of your electronic cigarette can support up to 300 and 500 charge cycles. It depends on your use of the electronic cigarette. Over time, the performance of your battery will decrease and with this also the autonomy of your electronic cigarette.

To maintain your electronic cigarette and its performance, it is strongly recommended to clean it regularly:

  • The clearomizer: to refill with e liquid or change resistance. Remove the coil and the rest of the clearomizer under clean running water. Dry thoroughly using a dry paper towel or dry microfiber cloth.
  • The drip tip: this tip is the part that gets dirty very quickly. After rinsing under water, scrub with a toothbrush to remove any form of impurities.
  • The battery: use a microfiber cloth to clean the battery which will do the trick


Can the electronic cigarette and the battery be recycled?

Electronic cigarettes can be recycled, it is even recommended, otherwise they will spill and degrade to the point of polluting water and soil.

Before throwing away your electronic cigarette, you must clean the clearomizer with clean water so that there are no traces of e liquid. You can then take your electronic cigarette to a specialized recycling center.

Electronic cigarette batteries (accumulators) must be thrown away in a special container specially designed for this type of battery and generally present at the entrance to any department store. It is recommended to protect the positive and negative poles of the battery (+ & -) with a strip of adhesive tape to avoid any risk of degassing.



When was the electronic cigarette invented?

In 2005, the first patented electronic device simulating a cigarette without combustion was filed in China. In 2009 the vaporization system that we know today was patented.


Who invented the electronic cigarette?

The electronic cigarette did not appear overnight. Several vaping systems allowing the inhalation of e liquid have been invented since the beginning of the 20th century. However, the electronic cigarette as we know it today was invented by the Chinese pharmacist Hon Lik.